Lebanon accession

Lebanon accession Other Projects THE PROJECT Timeline: 2002 – 2011Donor: Switzerland (SECO)Beneficiary: Lebanon  Shortly after independence in 1943, Lebanon acceded to the GATT as a founding member in 1947 and became a model for social and economic development...

Tajikistan accession

Tajikistan accession Other Projects THE PROJECT Timeline: 2005 – 2011 Donor: Switzerland (SECO) Beneficiary: Tajikistan Tajikistan submitted its application for membership to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in May 2001. The Memorandum on the Foreign Trade...

Viet Nam accession

Viet Nam accession Other Projects THE PROJECT Timeline: 2002 – 2007 Donor: Switzerland (SECO) Beneficiary: Viet Nam The Vietnamese Government applied for World Trade Organisation (WTO) membership in 1994 and a Working Party was established in January 1995. On 2...