Myanmar trade strategy
Other ProjectsTHE PROJECT
Timeline: 2016 – 2017
Donor: Germany (GIZ)
Beneficiary: Myanmar
After years of isolation from the international community, the government of Myanmar initiated in 2011 a process of economic and political reforms with a view to open its market to trade and investment, to establish favourable a business environment, and to re-integrate into the world trading community. As sanctions have been lifted, the country is in a position to elaborate its trade policy and reforms to fully benefit from integration into this new context.
With a new Cabinet resuming office in April 2016, the Ministry of Commerce (MoC) intended to produce a vision and strategy for the trade sector in Myanmar. The proposed strategy was to be subject to the political consideration and guidance of the incoming Minister once he would assume office.
IDEAS Centre was assisting the MoC in defining such a proposal for a trade vision and strategy taking into account the economic environment and realities in Myanmar as well as the development objectives of the country.
The objective was to develop an outline for a new national trade strategy and a vision for Myanmar, as well as to indicate potential trade reforms to undertake, which should contribute to the sustainable economic growth and development of Myanmar.
“IDEAS Centre was assisting the MoC in defining such a proposal for a trade vision and strategy taking into account the economic environment and realities in Myanmar”
This included among others:
- Elaboration of a proposed trade strategy that would contribute to the development of the economy, create favourable business environment, and contribute to further integration of the economy into global and regional trade community;
- Increasing capacities of MoC and other line ministries to assume with more confidence their role in trade policy making, including the overall trade strategy definition and implementation, internal coordination on trade issues, and improved cooperation through inclusive processes.