Kyrgyz Republic
Other ProjectsTHE PROJECT
Timeline: 2013 – 2015
Donors: Germany (GIZ), Switzerland (SECO)
Beneficiary: Kyrgyzstan
The Kyrgyz Republic acceded to the WTO in late 1998 and has since been a major regional driving force in terms of trade regulation. With the second Trade Policy Review (TPR) of the Kyrgyz Republic taking place on 19-21 November 2013, the Ministry of Economy has set up the goal to use this comprehensive exercise to review its trade policies, their coherence and their integration into the overall development policies of the country and to define possible policy options on specific issues.
The Ministry of Economy has sought the assistance of IDEAS Centre to support and accompany its officials in this analysis and in the definition of its trade policy review.
Overall Goal
The overall goal of the project is to use the TPR to improve trade policies as an instrument to achieve Kyrgyzstan’s overall sustainable development goals as well as to examine and evaluate the integration of Kyrgyzstan in the regional and world economy, in line with its national interests, and to help establish a coherent framework for both policy changes and investment.
“The Ministry of Economy has sought the assistance of IDEAS Centre to support and accompany its officials in this analysis and in the definition of its trade policy review.”
Specifically, the project aims to:
- Strengthen Kyrgyzstan’s trade policy capacity and provide assistance in the preparatory work for the TPR meeting in Geneva and the participation at the meeting with a view of strengthening the performance of the delegation at the meeting and the quality of the documents prepared by the Ministry of Economy;
- Elaborate a trade policy reform road map;
- Strengthen the cohesion between Kyrgyzstan’s trade policies and its technical assistance needs.
The project consists of various sets of components with related activities:
- A technical assistance component for the overall preparation of TPR reports – including assistance in following up and responding to questions of WTO Members and the Secretariat – and for the drafting of analytical papers on specific policy issues of interests to the Kyrgyz government;
- A trade policy advice component for the elaboration of a trade policy reform roadmap;
- A capacity-building component which will include training sessions and workshops for officials from the relevant ministries concerned by specific policy issues.